Why You Need Both Ancient, Natural Approaches and Modern Scientific Methods for Good Skin Care
Advanced skincare means something different today. To be truly advanced, your skincare regimen should combine natural, time-tested approaches and ingredients with modern scientific methods. There’s a level of authority and security that comes from utilizing healthy, safe ingredients that come from nature; it’s important to understand exactly what you’re putting on your skin. Though you can't go wrong with raw avocado masks on the skin they're not always the most stable and efficient, making it challenging to address skin concerns. This is why you also need to combine modern scientific methods to make your everyday routine seamless and efficient. We understand the convergence of ancient and modern. Put yourself in our capable hands, and we can show you how and why natural skincare options work best in tandem with modern-day innovations.
Know What Goes on Your Skin
In the modern skincare industry, we know that what you put in and on your skin matters. An unfortunately short time ago, advanced skincare involved products packed with chemicals, additives, and other ingredients that react harshly with the skin. The limited skincare advances of the time convinced many that negative side effects like dry skin and scaly patches were the unavoidable cost of removing blemishes. Anti-aging methods were just as abrasive, if not more so.
Now, however, scientific skincare advances allow us to address concerns without any of the harmful side effects. We know that many chemicals ultimately do more harm than good. For example, many people in the past few decades have turned to retinols out of a desire to prevent the effects of aging, but advanced skincare specialists like our consultants at JEMIOR know that aging is a natural part of life that should be celebrated. Plus, the harsh side effects of dryness and irritation often create problems of their own. Consumers are no longer interested in hearing too-good-to-be-true promises based on broad generalizations. They know better than to fall for one-size-fits-all philosophies. Instead, today's skincare enthusiasts want a customized approach designed for their unique skin and its concerns.
Today’s informed consumers want full transparency. In addition to knowing the scientific methods behind innovative, advanced skincare, they also want to know the ingredients used in each product, what they do, and why they’re there. At JEMIOR, we educate our customers to better understand how to nurture their own skin.
Your Skin Is an Organ
Your skin is worth pampering. Natural skincare is imperative to nourish the largest organ in your body. You wouldn't expose your heart or your liver to abrasive chemicals and harmful additives, and you shouldn’t risk your skin, either. Care for your skin with wholesome, rejuvenating ingredients.
Understanding the biology and chemistry of the skin is essential for preparing a customized skincare regimen. Gentle is the word of the day. Your skin is delicate, especially the skin on your face. Natural ingredients and low-impact treatments are the best ways to revitalize your skin. Take JEMIOR's Percutaneous Collagen Induction Treatment (CIT), for instance.
This advanced skincare treatment is designed to stimulate the body’s natural endogenous regeneration mechanisms, helping to regenerate the skin. The treatment improves the texture and appearance of skin over time. Based on a deep understanding of the body’s regenerative mechanisms, Percutaneous CIT causes your skin cells, or fibroblasts, to produce new collagen and elastin. As you can see, the treatment is a perfect marriage between modern science and ancient, natural ingredients, providing healthy, beautiful skin long-term.
Skin Health Is Paramount
In the modern world, advanced skincare prizes skin health above all else. As few as ten years ago, people didn't care about after-effects or side-effects. Short term gains were accepted, in both skincare products and cosmetic procedures.
We set the bar much higher today. Our founder, Jessica, established JEMIOR because she was tired of skin deep treatments that compromised skin health. Our treatments ensure your skin looks its best by resolving health concerns to give you healthy, beautiful skin from the inside out. Instead of over-the-counter remedies and harmful procedures, we provide a holistic, “medi-luxe” experience that makes you feel good in mind and body.
As the name implies, the “medi-luxe” experience combines medical-quality treatments and safe ingredients with a luxurious environment. Through comprehensive research and innovations, we've developed excellent skincare treatments that celebrate the science of advanced skincare methods. In all things, we prioritize the health and vitality of your skin. That's only possible because of the marriage of natural ingredients with state-of-the-art services that go above and beyond to enhance and repair your skin without causing damage.
The Old Ways, the Best Ways
Even today, far too many skincare experts discount the importance of natural skincare. You can only achieve true perfection when you're bold enough to combine the old with the new. At JEMIOR, we activate the positive effects of ancient remedies and ingredients derived from nature.
Consider our holistic facial massages. From Thai herbal poultices to lymphatic drainage, you can benefit from a wealth of treatments designed to unveil your true beauty by promoting skin health from within. Alongside our in-house services, we can introduce you to quality skincare products to keep your skin healthy between visits.
An Environmental Impact
Some of the most advanced skincare is also more environmentally sustainable. Depleting our resources for the sake of skincare is unnecessary when there are many eco-conscious options available to us.
Sustainable skincare ingredients are an important asset for functional skincare. We have the power to take ancient ingredients and tweak them for the modern age in a way that neither depletes nor damages the environment. Today's advancements are cleaner, and they no longer harm the environment with chemicals, toxic ingredients, and waste. Opt for a Natural Face Lift, for example, and you can enjoy an advanced skincare treatment that simply employs face sculpting massage techniques to release tension and revitalize facial muscles. It's the perfect way to give your skin a boost without increasing your carbon footprint.
Explore the advanced skincare treatments available at JEMIOR. Touch base with us today so that we can schedule a consultation with you.
Percutaneous Collagen Induction Therapy
What is Percutaneous CIT (Collagen Induction Therapy)?
Percutaneous CIT (Collagen Induction Therapy) is a treatment approach designed to help regenerate skin. This means that the method aims to improve the texture and appearance of the skin.
How soon will I see improvements?
Since the effect of Percutaneous CIT is based on stimulating the body’s own (endogenous) regeneration mechanisms, it takes time before the results become visible. Therefore, you should not expect the desired improvement to happen immediately. Within 3-6 weeks after the collagen treatment, the quality of your skin will begin to show improvements. A few more months will be needed for the natural renewal processes to achieve the full effect.
How many sessions are recommended?
Percutaneous CIT can be repeated, provided that the skin is given enough time to regenerate between treatments. To achieve maximum improvement, we recommend a course of up to six treatments, no more frequently than at 1-2 week intervals, under topical anesthesia. Other alternatives are 1 collagen treatment monthly, or 6 treatments every 6 months.
What should I expect during the treatment?
Percutaneous CIT has to cause bleeding to trigger the desired regeneration processes in the deeper layers of the skin. This is not a side effect, but an effect which is necessary, and which your practitioner will produce deliberately. The bleeding acts as a stimulus or messenger for the skin cells to produce collagen and elastin. Percutaneous CIT is performed using very fine needles, and the tiny pin-pricks in the skin close up within hours, so bleeding stops by the time the collagen treatment is finished. This does not cause lasting pain. After the procedure, the skin will appear red or pink for a few days and may swell. This reaction looks like a moderate sunburn or mild abrasion, although the skin has not been abraded – only pricked. During the early (acute) healing phase you may look tired, but after about a week, your skin should feel and look as usual. The necessary wound healing reaction will cause your skin cells (fibroblasts) to produce new collagen and elastin. Therefore, the effect of Percutaneous CIT is based mainly on the activation and the subsequent natural course of the skin’s wound healing and regeneration mechanism.
Is there anything I need to do to prepare for this collagen treatment?
Since regeneration and healing are stimulated by certain creams that contain particularly high levels of vitamin A and C, daily pretreatment of your skin for several months, with creams recommended by your practitioner, is an important part of successful Percutaneous Collagen Induction Therapy.
For more information about this treatment, please contact our licensed practitioner
Franck Joly (L.Ac., MTOM, Dipl.OM) at fjoly@acujoly.com
The Benefits of a Natural Face Lift
Natural Face Sculpting in Beverly Hills is now available at JEMIOR. This specialized technique is performed on anyone who desires a natural face lift. Performing a deep and targeted face sculpting massage releases tension as well as toxic fluid buildup in facial muscles, which allows nutrient-dense fluids to flow freely to nourish and revitalize tissues. The end result is that facial muscles regain their youthful integrity. The results of just one session can be very dramatic. In addition to sculpting the facial muscles, we also work on gently realigning and sculpting facial bones which typically shift through the years rendering a natural face lift effect.
Over time, our facial bones recede, collapse and become compressed. Without the structural support of bone, the overlying soft tissue and skin lose their integrity, causing the face to sag and appear less plump. By using face sculpting massage techniques, we are able to lift and contour the face, giving the overlying soft tissue and skin the support it needs to have a youthful appearance.
Our facial muscles experience tension buildup just like the rest of our body. This tension prevents detoxification and nourishment to our soft tissues. This is how many wrinkles and folds appear on the face and neck. By performing Natural Face Sculpting on the facial muscles, we are able to release that tension and allow for nutrient-dense fluids to nourish and revitalize tissues, as well as allow for muscles to regain their integrity creating a natural face lift effect.
How old should you be to have this treatment?
Individuals as young as their 20’s can benefit from this treatment as a form of prevention as well as for face contouring.
How many sessions does it take to see and feel a change?
Results vary from individual to individual and session to session. This depends on the level of tension and lifestyle factors. Some individuals may need a few sessions to see a change, but most will typically feel and see some change after their first session.
How many sessions do I need to get the most from this treatment?
We recommend 6-8 sessions to get the most from our face sculpting massage, spaced out one week apart. Receiving this natural face lift treatment in one-week intervals is key to keeping the face fully stimulated while maintaining the revitalization from each treatment, as they are cumulative. Some individuals may need more sessions depending on the depth of tension. To maintain results, returning for sessions once per month is recommended.
What are some contraindications for this treatment?
Active cancer
Can this treatment be done on individuals who have filler/Botox?
Botox users should wait a minimum of three weeks before receiving this treatment to be sure that the botox has fully set.
If your face has any filler, you must wait a minimum of four weeks before receiving this natural face lift treatment to ensure that the product has set. Areas with filler will be addressed superficially and can be avoided as desired.
If you have any further questions about this treatment, contact us at bh@jemior.com
How JEMIOR is Revolutionizing Skincare | Best Natural and Modern Care
To benefit from the best skincare, natural ancient and modern methods used in combination are essential. Many of the oldest forms of skincare produce optimal results. Modern innovations in skincare enrich the benefits of these treatments. Ancient and modern skincare converge at JEMIOR, where we utilize the best of both philosophies to optimize your skin’s health. We offer some of the top skincare brands and comprehensive services that will leave your skin in it’s optimal state. Find out how we're revolutionizing the field of skincare.
Where Ancient Meets Modern
At JEMIOR, we believe that natural ancient methods work very well in tandem with state-of-the-art modern treatments creating the best skincare. The right techniques and ingredients can powerfully transform your skin. When treated by a qualified professional who understands your skin's anatomy, a facial has the capacity to reset and transform your skin.
A facial can set a great foundation allowing for a more comprehensive range of skincare treatments. Resetting your skin with a comprehensive facial treatment and nourishing your skin with the nutrients it needs having a good home care regimen allows it to flourish all while allowing us to go deeper to address concerns to their core.
The best natural skincare starts with using the best that nature has to offer which is our greatest goal. We aim to provide you with the best natural skincare treatments by merging the proven ancient and the modern in skincare. The expert providers at JEMIOR use proven modern scientific advances to maximize what nature has to offer for the best natural skincare treatments. Revolutionary advanced scientific modalities go hand-in-hand with tried-and-true ancient holistic methods at JEMIOR.
Targeted Skincare Treatments
The knowledgeable professionals on our staff are fascinated with the science behind skincare. That deep interest has led us to devise the best skincare. We put our knowledge of skin health at your service to customize unique treatments that are tailored to your skin and its needs.
At JEMIOR, we understand that everyone's skin is different. Your skin has its own unique balance and concerns. It may require hydration and refinement, or perhaps it's a bit oily or you want to eliminate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. No matter what your concerns, our experts can put together a skincare regimen and treatment that's perfect for your skin.
To ensure that you reap as many benefits as possible from what we have to offer, we will create your best skincare plan which will nourish your skin while addressing your skin concerns as well as customize a treatment at the soothing JEMIOR sanctuary.
Respect for the Skin
Not only do we strive to use and recommend the top skincare brands, but we research skin health extensively to develop innovative treatments. We will examine your unique skin before and during your treatment to determine your needs, then select the best skincare products for you, drawing on both time-tested, natural ingredients and up-to-date modern technologies.
At its heart, skincare is a science that must be customized to each person's unique skin for optimum efficiency. We know how each product benefits your skin, and we’ll conduct a thorough consultation to determine which products are best suited to your concerns. We’ll combine both natural and scientific approaches to ensure you get the best skincare treatment available.
The Art of Self-Care
JEMIOR is a sanctuary that believes in self-care. Our philosophy revolves around the innate beauty that exists within each person. We know that beauty goes beyond the skin, just as we understand the need to feel comfortable and empowered in your own skin. The best skincare, natural holistic and modern, should bring out your inner beauty while enhancing your outer beauty. We don’t just optimize your skin health; we give you to opportunity to relax, take time for yourself, and give yourself space to breathe.
Experience the best skincare, natural holistic modern innovative treatments, and advanced skincare at JEMIOR. Call us today to schedule a consultation. We can discuss the advantages of facial massages, LED treatments, and more.
Lymphatic System
What is the Lymphatic System?
The Lymphatic System is a circulatory system in the body that carries lymph (colorless fluid containing water, proteins, fats, hormones, pathogens, and waste) via a vast network of lymphatic vessels. The lymphatic system plays a vital role in establishing and maintaining balance of the body’s interstitial fluids. During this transportation process, before entering the blood stream, the fluids pass through the lymph nodes, where they are cleansed, filtered and concentrated into a nutrient dense fluid. Immune reactions occur in the lymph nodes, destroying pathogens and ridding the interstitial fluids of waste. After this detoxification occurs, a purified and concentrated nutrient-rich fluid enters into the bloodstream.
What is Dr. Vodder Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD)?
Established in the 1930s, MLD is a light-touch, subtle physical therapy modality recognized by both the international medical and spa wellness communities. Analgesic (reduces pain) and restorative, MLD provides deep relaxation while accelerating cellular repair and regeneration.
How can I benefit from an MLD treatment?
Inflammation and stress are among the leading causes of premature aging and skin distress. MLD is a treatment that addresses the root cause of this issue. The following are some of the benefits of MLD:
(-) reduces the build up of free radicals
(+) increases oxygenation
(+) increases the delivery of nutrients to the body
(+) stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (“rest and digest” state), facilitating true regeneration
(-) reduces fluid stagnation (e.g. swelling)
What are contra-indications for MLD?
Active cancer (must be 5 years cleared)
Congestive Heart Disease
Acute Inflammation/infection
Hyperthyroid (service can be modified accordingly)
Low blood pressure (may require additional time)
Lash Extensions vs Lash Lifts
What is it?
Lash extensions: Artificial lashes are attached to individual natural lashes with a lash adhesive to enhance the appearance of lashes by adding length, increased curl and fullness of natural lashes. They can be made from several materials, such as synthetic or natural mink hair. Results can last up to 3 weeks.
Lash lifts: Natural lashes are lifted and curled to enhance the natural lashes, allowing them to appear longer and fuller. Results can last up to 3 months, but is completely dependent on the individual’s lash growth cycle, which can vary from person to person.
Downtime & After-care
Lash extensions: There is a 24-hour downtime and lashes must be kept dry to set the lash extensions. Waterproof mascara and oil-based products around the eyes must also be avoided, as this can affect lash adhesiveness. Must avoid sleeping on the lashes or rubbing the eyes.
Lash lifts: There is a 24-hour downtime where lashes must be kept dry so that conditioning coating can set into lash cuticle for nourishment. After 24 hours you are free to do whatever you want (after all, they are your lashes!).
Lash extensions: Cannot use waterproof eye makeup or oil based product around eyes. Fills required every 2-3 weeks to keep extensions looking full.
Lash lifts: We highly recommend the use of a nourishing product for the lashes to keep them as healthy as possible. Most of clients get their lash lift treatments every two months.
What is micro-current?
Micro-current is a micro level current that mimics the body’s natural flow and can provide cumulative rejuvenating results. Micro-current technology was originally used as a form of physical therapy in medical settings to strengthen atrophied muscles. Today, it is widely used in the beauty industry to maintain and regain facial muscle integrity.
What are the benefits?
Conditioning the facial muscles with micro-current results in stronger facial muscle integrity, creating a lifted and rejuvenated appearance to the face.
For Botox users:
The use of facial micro-current technology should be considered essential for Botox users! The use of a neuromuscular paralyzing agent, such as Botox, prevents muscles from contracting. A muscle that is not put into use eventually atrophies. This can happen to facial muscles after years of constant paralyzing and loss of muscle integrity, which can eventually cause the face to droop, sag and/or appear hollow. The use of facial muscle toning micro-current is imperative for individuals that use Botox to assist in preventing the loss of muscle integrity.